The Myth of Understanding
The Myth of Understanding
But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. (Ecclesiastes 12:12)
Information is coming at us at a million miles an hour everyday now. Government officials, international health organizations, doctors, nurses, scientists, statisticians, religious leaders, media pundits, and social media tidal waves of opinions and so-called wisdom. Information overload has officially overwhelmed my mind. What is so perplexing about all this information is it comes from presuppositions and often distorted world views. As people seek to navigate what is true and what is false their own biases keep them from discerning fact from fiction, lies from truth and exaggerations from simple objective truths. At the end of each day as I evaluate all that I have read, seen and heard I am baffled by just how little I really know is true.
Each source of information appears to have its biases and is unable to be completely objective. The problem is heightened when we realize we live in a postmodern world where everyone thinks truth is determined by them. We are all so arrogant that discernment is impossible because our hearts value ourselves and our own opinions too highly. So everyone is a critic of those who oppose their own thoughts and we are cheerleaders for everyone who speaks to what we believe.
I confess if we observe the world long enough we will find ourselves saying what Pilot said to Jesus as He contemplated Jesus’ identity, “What is truth?”
So where is stability in this insane world of contradictory knowledge? Is there one news source we can trust (pun intended)? Can we rely on our social media friends and followers to point us in the right direction? Is our multitude of counselors actually giving us wisdom? Sadly, I think the answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO!
Why? Why can’t we trust the media? Why can’t we trust the doctor? Why can’t we trust our politicians? Why can’t we trust our Facebook friends and those we follow on Twitter?
The short answer is because they are not God! Humans are fallen creatures. The vast majority of our information comes from people who do not fear God. And sadly, even we who know Christ don’t fear Him as we should either! We are still way more into ourselves than we could possibly want to admit. We stand on many things for our own hedonistic egotistical reasons. BUT wisdom comes from God, not man. God’s wisdom is rooted in His redemptive work in His Son. Ultimately, all wisdom is found in Jesus Christ not ourselves or the rest of society.
Does that mean we should bury our heads in the Book and only come out to make our profound observations to the world? NO! We should seek understanding and wisdom. BUT the quantity and quality of this information should be relatively small in comparison to the wisdom we get from God in His Word! Far too many of us spend way too much time filling our minds with worldly philosophies and far too little time plumbing the depths of God’s glory in the Word of God.
It is here where a new idol is exposed. The idol of understanding. I know it actually sounds insane to consider knowledge and understanding as an idol, BUT I am convinced it can be.
Have you ever wondered why Solomon, one of the wisest men to ever walk the earth, threw away it all in the last half of His life? Could it be that it is because He sought knowledge at the expense of relationship?
Even knowledge seems like vanity at this moment. Solomon said it this way, Ecclesiastes 12:12, “But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body.”
The “books” of today include social media, blogs, news articles, main stream media, and all other ways of communicating opinions. It is wearying and ultimately vanity! We can read everything. Research everything. Know everything we should know about this virus, our economy and the world and yet still know nothing of real importance!
It is Solomon’s conclusion after this statement on books that is so profound... Ecclesiastes 12:13–14, “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.”
This is the KING of Israel speaking. The one in charge of everything. The one responsible for leading all of the people of Israel. Here he says everything is vanity compared to TWO Things: 1. Fear God and 2. keep His commandments!
Trying to find understanding in this world is often a pointless pursuit in many ways. We can read and study and research. But in the end, being in right relationship with God is the only thing that matters. We must honor and respect God then by faith we can obey Him. May God help us to pursue wisdom in the true source, GOD HIMSELF!
Father, your are giver of all good gifts. We have your best gift in Christ Jesus. He is our hope in this chaotic and clueless world. Please Lord help us to fear You and seek to rest in Your presence. You alone are the all satisfying One. You alone are where wisdom is found. Please Lord help us to kill the idol of information. Help us to not be obsessed with our own opinions. Help us to walk with you and point others to the hope found in You!
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