Romans 2:1-16
Questions to Go Deeper
- What is the reason for “therefore” (2:1)?
In light of the ‘reader’ fully acknowledging the pagan is getting what they deserve, therefore, “the reader” is condemned.
- What is the primary pronoun used in 1:18-32? And then what is the new pronoun used in 2:1-6?
They & Them in 1:18-32
“You” in 2:1-6
3. Why is the one who passes judgment without excuse and condemned (2:1d)? Are they condemned for judging or for doing what they judge others for doing?
The reader is condemned “for you who judge practice the same things.” The acknowledgment that they sin, condemns the reader because the reader sins!
4. Who is the “we” of verse 2?
Paul and the readers, all know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things!
5. Why does the judgment of God rightly fall upon people (2:2)?
They practice such things!
6. What are the “such things” Paul refers to (2:2)?
It appears to be 1:29-32…Sin!
7. What is the implied answer to the rhetorical question in 2:3?
The implied answer should be NO, I don’t think I will avoid the judgment of God! For the self righteous, however, there are obvious excuses that naturally comes… “I am not as bad as them, I do my good deeds to make up for this sin, I do my ‘self punishment’ to make up for my bad deeds.” BUT these are NOT repentance, which brings the next question …
8. What is the implied answer of the rhetorical question in 2:4?
The legalist (unbeliever) is trapped in their self righteous unrepentance with this question. They don’t repent so they are condemned. They take God’s kindness As license or excuse for their penance.
9. What should God’s kindness, tolerance, and patience lead to? (2:4)
Should lead you to repentance!
10. What does the “But” in verse 5 imply about what is Paul’s thoughts on the man’s response to verses 3&4?
He assumes the unrighteous legalist will not respond properly. Thus he or she is condemned and in need of a Savior!
11. What is the reason the man is storing up wrath for himself or herself (2:5a)?
because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart!
12. When will the unrepentant heart receive the wrath of God’s righteous judgment (2:5b)?
in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God
13. How is 2:5 & 1:18 similar?
The wrath of God and revelation of God’s righteousness are both emphasized priorities!
14. What is the basis on God’s coming righteous judgment (2:6)?
a quote from Psalm 62:12 … deeds!
15. Is the chiastic relation in 2:7-10 apparent? What is the center emphasis in the chiastic relationship?
Verses 7 & 10 speak of the blessed!
Verses 8 & 9 speak of the cursed!
16. Is salvation by works because of verses 2:7 and 2:9??!??
NO! However, true faith produces obedience! This will be developed in Romans 6-8.
17. What is repeated in 1:18, 2:9, and 2:10?
Unrighteousness gets God’s wrath!
18. What is the non-partiality of God based on (2:9-11)?
Everyone will be judged impartially by each individual’s deeds!
19. What is the “for” therefore (2:12)?
Paul explains the impartial judgment of God on both Jews and Greeks.
20. What is the standard by which each individual is judged (2:12)?
Without the Law will die!
With the Law will die!
Having the Mosaic law doesn’t eliminate judgment!
21. What is the standard for being declared righteous with God (2:13)?
It is not the hearers of the Law but the doers of the Law that will be justified.
22. Does this mean a person is justified by keeping the Law (2:13)?
NO, this means like in 2:7 & 10 that those who are declared righteous by faith will then be doers of the Law not just hearers of the law. AND those who don’t repent and believe will be condemned by not doing the Law given to them.
23. Crucial question: What does the “for” of verse 14 explain? There are two schools of thought … 1. verse 12a those who have sinned without the law who will perish without the law. 2. Or verse 13 does of the Law will be justified! P. Mike’s sermon took view 2.
If view 1 is taken, then 14-15 describe unbelieving gentiles who will be judged based on their own conscience (the Law on their heart). They may do some of the Law because of their conscience but obviously not perfect, so they will be judged by God based on how they go against their consciences. This is how I taught it for many years.
If view 2 is taken, then 14-15 describe believing Gentiles who are declared righteous by faith alone and their faith shows the work of God in their hearts and the new covenant relationship they now have with God in Christ. The work of the Law written in their hearts in the Spirit’s work in their hearts to brith us anew and the conscience now interacts with the our new spirit and THE Spirit. This interaction between our new spirit and conscience with our flesh accuses and defends us.
So let’s make some more observations on these verses 14-16…
24. The location of “instinctively” is better located “have” in the Greek text. Thus it is for when Gentiles who do not have the Law naturally, do the things of the Law. What do they do?
They do the things of the Law … LIKE what in verse 13? Doers of the Law will be justified!
25. Though Gentiles do not ‘have the Law of Moses’ if they do it what are they?
They are a law to themselves or in themselves!
26. How does verse 15 relate to the 14?
If they do the Law, they are a law to themselves in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts.
27. What is the work of the Law (2:15)?
Either God’s regenerating work in the believer at salvation (New Covenant) thus they are gentile believers that do the Law written on their heart by grace through faith or they are unbelievers who have the law written on their heart (which is their conscience).
28. What does their conscience bear witness “With” (Greek word implies)?
I believe it is the believer’s conscience that bears witness with the Law written on their hearts at conversion. Thus the believing Gentile’s thoughts either accuse or defend them while still in their unglorified bodies. They are able thus to know the truth and obey the truth with Spirit’s work as Romans 8 will make clear.
29. When will God judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus (2:16)?
The day possibly the same day mentioned in 2:5.
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