WIN - What’s important Now!?!?!

So my wife and I are watching 20/20.  They had this ‘expert’ on to counsel people who are struggling with worry.  They said they wanted to help people not be worried and panic.  So this guy starts talking about how to help people with their thoughts.  He said, “I actually have an acronym to help, “WIN.” What’s important now. We have to focus on what’s important now. Those things we can control like our breathing and our thoughts.”  

Beloved, there is absolutely no hope in the world’s counsel here!  Because friends, we really control NOTHING!  We are the creation. The irony of the person’s statement is breathing can be stopped by a little micro-sized virus! Also, often our thoughts are not even controlled by ourselves. The news and the show itself actually was pouring fear producing thoughts and concerning statistics into our minds continually. 

The more I watched, the more I knew I had to speak truth to my heart and the world filled with no hope!

There is hope, but it’s not in ourselves. It is not in this world. It is not in our government or even the medical people.  Our HOPE is in the ONE who made the body and this entire world!  God is the Sovereign and the One we must take refuge in.  Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

God is all about giving hope!  However, we must humble our hearts and seek the Lord.  We must humbly call out to Him.  We need God.  We are sinners and we deserve judgment. BUT God sent His Son to save His repentance followers.  All those who turn from their sin and trust in the person and work of Jesus will be saved.  We can be declared right with God through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23).  And we can know our future is bright. We can have eternal life.  And even if we die, we will live! God is our great hope!  

There is a twist. The advice from the so-called expert had a small element of truth in it. Win - What’s important now! We do need to focus on what’s important now. IT IS Our Creator God who is the Savior of our Soul!  We need to trust in Him!

Proverbs 3:5–7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.


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