Romans 3:19-26

Questions to Go Deeper

  1. Now” sets what for this section (19)? 

  1. What do “we know?”

  1. What does the Law speak to?

  1. What is the two-fold purpose of the Law speaking to those under the Law (19)?

  1. Why is everyone condemned that is under the Law (20)? 

  1. Where will those who attempt to be justified by works of the law not be justified (20)?

  1. What really comes through the Law (20)?

  1. How are the beginning of verse 21 and verse 19 similar (21)?  What is the contrast of verse 21 (But)?

  1. It appear because of the contrast to verse 20 “from the Law” implies “works of the Law.” Though Paul doesn’t specifically include “works of the Law, the contrast to WHERE the righteousness of God has been manifested. What are the witnesses to this manifested righteousness of God (21)?

  1. How is the righteousness of God manifested (22)?

  1. Who is this righteousness of God manifested in (22)?

  1. What does it show about the righteousness of God being manifested in everyone who believe (22f)?

  1. What does the exclusivity of righteousness being displayed in everyone who believes (23)?

  1. How is righteousness revealed in the believer who turns from sin (24)?

  1. What is manner of the justification of sinners (24a)?

  1. What is the basis of the gift (24b)? 

  1. What is the vehicle justification happens (24c)?

  1. Where is redemption found (24d)?

  1. Who did God display publicly (24d-25a)?

  1. What was Jesus displayed publicly “as” (25b)?

  1. How was Jesus a propitiation (25c)?

  1. How is the act of propitiation appropriated to others (25d)?

  1. Why was God appeased through Jesus this way and at this time (25e)?

  1. Why did God wait to propitiate His wrath till Jesus (25ff)?

  1. What was the reason for God’s demonstration of His appeasement of wrath this way (26)?

  1. What was the purpose of God doing this at this time (26ff)?

  1. How is God Just and the justifier of believers (26ff)?

  1. Who has this propitiation (26ff)?


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