Updated 7/11 - Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality an Evil Philosophy to avoid


This article summarized the main issues dividing and destroying the evangelical church in America today.  The Southern Baptist Convention is presently imploding over this issue.

Our church has been effected by this issue over the last four years. A church in our area did several conferences promoting critical race theory and intersectionality as effective tool for understanding cultures.  Some of our previous members went to that conference.  Those members are no longer at our church. At the time, I was clueless to what was going on. All I saw was it’s divisive nature, BUT I am clueless no longer.

I strongly advise all of you to read and consider this article. It clearly explains the divisive and destructive nature of CRT/I.  It explains how the feminist movement, the social justice movement and the sexual identity “revolution” are going to attempt to divide and destroy the church.

CRT and Intersectionality are wicked philosophies of men that subvert the pure Gospel. We must be aware and avoid these destructive philosophies of men. If we don’t, we will look back ten years from now and see the destructive effects on our church.

Be warned sheep! Our need is the Scriptures and the pure Gospel. We are not saved from a human made sociological system. We are all equally totally depraved and in need of a Savior. And only personal repentance and faith in the Jesus of the Bible will save us.

It is a difficult read. But everyone should read it. Make sure you note where the twisting of truth is occurring. I am available for questions on the subject at anytime.

Ps. The true church is not being destroyed. Jesus is building His church and nothing will ultimately destroy it. However, we know that not all people within a church are believers. And some believers are led astray for a season by deceptive wolves in sheep’s clothing. Despite all this, Jesus is still sovereign and He is building His church.

Love in Christ,

P Mike

*** 7/11 As an addendum to this post.  I would like to add this caveat.  I am sure that there are believers in the church that promoted some of these Critical race ideas.  I do believe I will see many of them in heaven one day. AND I praise the Lord for all times when Christ Jesus is exalted in their church and others that have embraced some of the philosophies of the critical theorists.  I am saddened by their direction, but I am also well aware that they would most likely agree that our direction is also influenced by worldly philosophies.  I pray that as time goes along we will all be sharpened by the objective Word of God that is directing our thoughts towards Jesus Christ.  As we have seen over church history, sadly there are many different denominations and churches and many have divided over philosophies of men.  My prayer is "as for me and my house and the church I shepherd we will serve the Lord and honor His Word."  May God give us grace.  And may we be compassionate and gentle to those we disagree with.


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