Arrogance in Opposition

The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, You who live in the clefts of the rock, In the loftiness of your dwelling place, Who say in your heart, Who will bring me down to earth?
Obadiah 3

At Edom’s most arrogant, they believed they were indestructible. Their view of themselves was so large they boastfully claimed they couldn’t be defeated. In their riches and their strength, they were blind to their place in this world. They opposed God and his people, Israel. However, God has shown their foolishness. 

The Edomites do not exist anymore. In fact, there is no trace of them anywhere on this planet. Their judgment continues into eternity. The prophecies of Obadiah have come true and will continue forever

Our human condition tells us to elevate ourselves and think little of our Creator. This fallen condition is much worse than we think. We think we are good and strong. This is our problem. We are evil and weak. This depravity is everywhere we look. 

Arrogance in Judgement

Aaron Rodgers, quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, said this,

I don’t know how you can believe in a god who wants to condemn most of the planet to a fiery hell.

People come out and make these outlandish statements about God all the time. They think themselves bigger than God. They stand in judgment of God. In their minds, they are the Judge and center of the universe.

Aaron sounds like a modern-day Edomite. The setting is so similar. 

Aaron is a rich quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. He is one of the best players in the National Football League (NFL). At the top of his game, he thinks his self-confidence propels him to success in the NFL. 

Not only is his success attributed to God but his arm strength, his popularity, his fame are all temporary. In a hundred years, Aaron will be just like the leaders of Edom, unknown and forgotten. Aaron is just a man. Yet he somehow thinks he can withstand the judgment of the God of the Bible. 

Sadly, stumbling blocks in his past have led him to this wicked thinking. He has previously mentioned Rob Bell’s big influence on him. Rob Bell is a false teacher who denies much of the Bible and yet promotes a kinder and gentler god to his followers. Aaron is just parroting the nonsense of his spiritual leader, Rob Bell.  

While Aaron faces a strict judgment in the future, Rob Bell will wish a millstone was hanging from his neck while sinking to the bottom of the sea (Matthew 18:6-7).

Mercy Despite Arrogance

Friends, we must never stand in judgment of the one, true God. As the apostle Paul stated, 

On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? 
Romans 9:20

God’s judgments are righteous always. His justice flows from His holy character. He is always righteous and always loving. He is both just and gracious (Exodus 34:6-7). How God chooses to judge His creation is perfect. 

The truth is, we all deserve eternal judgment for not honoring and thanking God as He deserves (Romans 1:18-32). Our depraved souls outside of Christ continually suppress our God given consciences (Romans 2).  

There is hope

Yes, God is just, and His righteous judgement is required for all sin. But God sent His Son into the world to save a people from their judgment due to their sin. God judged His own Son on the cross to pay for the sin of all those who would repent and trust in Him. 

So, we who were born under the wrath of God must turn from our sin and find forgiveness in the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is just and justifies all those who believe in his Son (Romans 3:26).

So how should Christians respond when we see the world shake their fist at God like Aaron Rodgers did this week? 

We shutter!

We recognize the foolishness of their comments. We grieve for them. We see them in their sin. We remember that apart from God’s grace we are the same exact people. We were born children of wrath, but God saved us by His grace, through faith alone, in Christ alone. 

We also pray for Aaron Rodgers. I love watching him throw a football, but I’d love so much more if I could call him brother one day. May God have mercy on him.

Father keep me aware of Your holiness and justice. Keep me in awe of You. Please be gracious to me, this wretched sinner. Fear is cast out when I trust in Your grace and kindness. God, you are my Savior and Lord. Be glorified in me today. 

In the saving love of your Son, Christ Jesus. 



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