Day 2 - Devotion #3 on Obadiah
O the Depth of the Riches!
O the Depth of the Riches!
Obadiah 3-4 & 10-14, these two sections appear to clearly lay out the guilt of Edom which brings about her judgment from the Lord. First, there is her (Edom’s) arrogance (3-4). Second, there is her “participation” in the destruction of Jacob (Israel) (10-14).
Edom cooperated with Israel’s enemies were at numerous points in Edom’s existence. Israel faced destruction a number of times and Edom both helped and mocked Israel at her times of abuse. However, God announced Edom’s coming judgment from the hand of the Lord.
At the same time, there appears to be a near and far element to this prophecy. Edom appears to be a representative for all the nations that oppose Israel and shame Israel. The “day of the Lord” was both a time of defeat for ancient Edom (near) AND a time of defeat for all of the nations who surround Israel (19 Mountains of Esau, Philistine, Samaria, & Gilead) (far). The final restoration of national Israel is promise to count on. Throughout the prophets we will see this theme repeated. It is important to note, the remnant of Edom was not fully defeated till after Jesus time! And even today, national Israel is surrounded by countries and people groups that hate her. The final “day of the Lord” has not happened yet, that day when the kingdom (Edom’s land) will be the Lord’s (21). Yes, Jesus rules over the hearts of His individual disciples, BUT the vast majority of the world rejects His Lordship. The nations rage against Him and His people like Edom did. But the final day of the Lord is coming, praise the Lord!
Friends, if one says the church replaces Israel these promises can not be fulfilled literally. The same is true of so many other prophecies in the OT (Zechariah 12, 14; Isaiah 11, 34; Joel 3; Amos 9; etc.). When we read our Bibles, we see that we are in a time of harvest for Gentiles inclusion in the New Covenant Romans 11:25-32. But this doesn’t mean the previous promises of God are voided.
Interestingly enough, the primary sins of Edom were PRIDE and Rejection of God’s promised people, Israel, as recorded in Obadiah. This is the exact same warning of Paul in Romans 11!!!
God has been merciful to us to included us in the New Covenant blessings of the Holy Spirit. We are adopted children of God; hallelujah. But this election should cause our humility and our fear of the Lord. It should call us to pray for the peace of Israel. Israel is under God’s judgment, BUT one day she will be restored. Unlike, the replacement theologians of today, we must not scorn and despise national Israel, for if we do, we fall into the same trap as Edom did. Israel’s destruction was from the Lord, but her restoration will be from Him too. The nations will praise God for Israel’s deliverance through Jesus Christ her Lord!
Father, the words of Paul in Romans 11 are so appropriate for my prayer here. So I turn to Your Word for my exact prayer... Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:33-36). Your ways are higher than mine. Use me Lord to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to others!
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