Day 4

Ministry is Personal

As I read through Galatians today I was struck by how many times Paul referred to himself personally.  The pronoun “I” was used some 73 times in the relatively short epistle of six chapters.  Paul’s reference to himself revealed just how much the Galatian’s slide away from the gospel and towards the false teachers was effecting him personally.  You can hear in the letter his anguish.  Ministry was not just a job that he could leave at work when he went home for the evening.  The direction of the disciples in Galatia really mattered to Paul.  The mixed emotions were obvious...righteous anger, holy concern, and genuine grief drip from the words of Paul.  

This letter shows us just how important a person’s soul should mean to us as believers and disciple makers.  Their souls should motivate us to even confront with difficult words if necessary.  Their souls should give us courage to speak the hard truth when necessary.  Paul loved the Galatian believers. Their slide into a false gospel effected Paul personally. 

Paul was so personal that he rehearsed large portions of his own testimony, his own personal interaction with them previously, and even his own personal interaction with others who struggled with having one foot in the Old Covenant and one foot in the New Covenant.  Paul’s transparency is refreshing.  In effect, he never minimized how their slide away was effecting his own soul.  

I don’t believe Paul’s personal transparency was an attempt to shame the people.  It was the Spirit’s way of revealing Paul’s genuine love and concern for the believers.  Often, when we are confronted we think a person is putting themselves above us and pride is produced in our flesh.  But Scripture reveals confrontation is not only necessary but a real act of love from the one doing the confronting.  In this case, Paul was genuinely concerned, and he bore his soul to the believers.  He called them to repent of this slide away from the Gospel.  

It is important to note that a personal letter from the Apostle Paul to the brethren in Galatia reveals a very intriguing aspect of Biblical inspiration.  The Bible is an amazing book.  See it is a glimpse into BOTH the heart of God and the heart of an adopted son of God.  Paul’s words are Spirit produced. At the same time, these are Paul’s heart words also! I find it intriguing how God can write such an amazing book and use men to do it.  It is a perfect, holy and without error letter from a redeemed but yet to be glorified man!  How?  With God nothing is impossible!  Paul was a Spirit filled man (Spirit controlled man).  God spoke to the Galatians indirectly (yet directly) through the instrument Paul.  At the same times, Paul spoke to the Galatians.  Every pronoun I screams GOD is WORKING Through a man to speak truth, Hallelujah!

Father, I know I am not an apostle. But YOU are still God and You never change. Please Spirit work in me to love like Paul. Help me to courageously speak the truth in love,  please Spirit give me compassion for the sheep when they stray.  Please give the sheep compassion for their brothers and sisters when they stray.  Please Father help us to take the Gospel ministry seriously. Help us to take YOU seriously.  It is Christ Jesus our Lord who is worthy of all love, praise and obedience.  Use us today for Your glory.


Obadiah 3–4 The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, You who live in the clefts of  the rock, In the loftiness of your dwelling place, Who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to earth?’ Though you build high like the eagle, Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord.

The Edomites took an unrighteous comfort in their fortification. They believed they were safe. This pride was part of their downfall. The Lord judges this pride. Their rejection of Him by their persecution of God’s people guaranteed no matter how seemingly impenetrable their kingdom was, its destruction was ordained! 

This is a warning to us to take God and His Word seriously!  We need God to work in us to live in a manner worthy of His calling. We also should not think earthly powers are invincible. God is in the heavens and He does whatever He pleases. 


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