Making Much of People for Christ!
Galatians 4:16–20 So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? They eagerly seek you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them. But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and not only when I am present with you. My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you—but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.
The false teacher’s motives are exposed in this passage. At the same time, Paul contrasts his own motives. Ultimately, why we do what we do in our interaction to people reveals whether we are for Christ or against Him. If we seek to influence people, so that they will make much of us; then we are of the devil, and we are actually against Christ. If we seek to point people to dependence on Christ, so that they will make much of HIM; then we are of Christ, and we are His ambassadors.
The difficulty comes when we have to some how defend our motives in our ministry. See the false teachers and the lies of the enemy are constantly questioning the Bible teacher’s motives and ultimately God’s motives (Genesis 3). This is where Paul was. He had to defend his ministry because the false teachers were attacking his motives. But at the same time, Paul had to call out the wrong motives of the false teachers.
You can see in these verses the excruciating pain of ministry and making disciples (cf. in Labor). Paul sees his work in the disciples as under attack, and he is even concerned they are falling away. He knows the false teachers are evil and they really are all about self-righteous exaltation of themselves. And so Paul is confronting the false teachers evil motives and calling for the disciples to return to the purity of the true Gospel.
As I read these verses today, I was once again confirmed in the message I posted yesterday ( The enemy is at it again. He is infiltrating the church today. He has sown a false gospel that makes much of humans and divides people in to competing groups. They affirm some ‘good’ things for women, ethnic groups, and oppressed people. BUT it is all just candy meant to lead people away from the Gospel! They really don’t love the people and don’t seek them for Christ’s glory. They seek them so that they will be affirmed by the various social groups. They want women to affirm the false teachers humanistic philosophies (Liberation theology, Feminism, progressive politics, etc.) THUS exalting them. BUT this leads to women getting away from their primary need and their primary joy, Jesus CHRIST!
O friends, don’t be deceived! Your worth is not in your gender, your culture, or your ethnicity. Your Value is in knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ, who bought you and died for you. We are His slaves and we are thankful to be His adopted Children IN Christ!
Father, I know You are the Sovereign Shepherd. I can not make the sheep see your Word and stay in it. I am at the end of myself. I ask for you to sanctify. I ask that you help the eyes of their hearts to be opened to the power of Your love in Christ. I pray You help us to all serve for Your glory and to make much of You not ourselves. Please Father, grant protection to Your own. You, God, are the sovereign One. Please Lord keep me on my knees. Help me to never take confidence in the flesh. Help me to lead people to YOU alone! We need You, Lord, at Grace Bible. May I be faithful to preach Your Word and the glorious Gospel alone! In the person and power of Christ I pray!
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