
Helping Us See the Big Picture

Often, we get focused in on our own walk with the Lord too much. We allow our own personal experiences and emotions to cloud our view. We’re in our feelings and our own personal lives so much that we can’t recognize something bigger is happening. 

Some of this is natural because the pain of life can be something we can’t get away from. It’s not like time stops. The waves of our own personal lives keep coming. They are like huge breakers battering us with difficulties. But in our difficulties we often fail to see there is a big picture going on. 

It is the sovereign plan of God. 

God is working in nations despite Satan’s rule over them (2 Cor 4:4). God is taking account of large groups of people. God is ultimately watching and enduring the world until His Son’s return. Yes, He is saving some, but the reality is most of the world is lost and in opposition to Him.

The book of Obadiah reads like a newspaper but with the Lord’s righteous commentary.  Edom was a country with many people. All descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother. There were men and women, old and young, healthy and ill, strong and weak. 

There were people who had well informed consciences and others that had completely seared hearts. They had times of prosperity and they had times of struggle. 

But here’s the big picture: they were prideful.  

Notice the language of the passage that points to Edom’s pride: 
1.     “the pride of your heart has deceived you.” (v. 3)
2.     “you live in your ... lofty dwelling.” (v. 3) 
3.     “you say, ‘Who will bring me down...?’” (v. 3) 
4.     They are called by the Lord, “wise men out of Edom.” The Lord says this sarcastically. (v. 8)
5.     They are condemned for “gloating over the judgment day of your brother.” (v. 12)
6.     They are also condemned for, “rejoicing over Judah’s ... ruin.” (v. 12) 
7.     Again repeating a warning not to gloat over his [Judah’s] disaster.” (v. 13)

The nation of Edom thought too highly of themselves. 

They boasted of being safe. They gloated over the demise of God’s chosen people, Israel. When Israel was judged for sin they stood back and rejoiced and even took some of the spoils.

God judged the nation of Edom and will one day finally judge all nations for their rebellion against Him.

My problem is that I see individual’s pride and take their attacks on me personal but I fail to see the big picture. God is taking note of nations who oppose Him. And beloved, this is EVERY nation on earth right now. 

There has never been a Christian nation. There are no Christian nations now. There will never be a Christian nation, UNTIL the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Every nation is prideful and filled with sinful people.

Without exception.

The day of judgment on the nations is coming. We are just little specks in God’s greater plan. The Lord will return and judge the nations.  He will restore Israel and then rule with a rod of iron over the nations. 

Yes, God’s adopted children will be set apart and glorified with Him. But no, this doesn’t mean our nation, or any nation, will be spared His wrath (cf. Revelation 6-19). 

God is taking note of the sin of the nations. This is the bigger picture. Thankfully, He is saving a people out from these nations for Himself.  BUT this doesn’t mean He is pleased with any nation! It is not until “deliverers will go up to Mount Zion to rule Mount Esau and the Kingdom shall be the Lord’s” (v. 21) that things will be ruled righteously.  

So why do we need this big picture perspective? 

Primarily, I believe it is to keep things in right perspective for us. We put way too much confidence in our abilities to transform a culture or country. 

We think way too much of our governing officials. 

We despair way too much over our governing officials. 

We think way too much of our own personal social media influence. 

We even think way too much of our church or the church in America. 

It is important to note Jesus did not say, “Go conquer the world.” He did not say, “Go topple governments.”  He did notsay, “Go bring liberty for all.”  He did not say, “Redeem a culture.” He said, “Go make disciples of all nations”(Matthew 28:19). 

We think way too much of our abilities. 

In a strange twist, we are more like Edom than we think. We may not live in the clouds, but we view our “personal influence” way too high! We all need to step off our pedestals and get back to the basics of making disciples one person at a time, trusting in God for the future, not ourselves!

Our role is not to change a nation. Our role isn’t to redeem a culture.  The goal must be to make disciples one person at a time and to point to a final Kingdom to come when Christ will rule and reign over the nations. 

Until Jesus’ return, we must remember the big picture: Kings will come and kings will go. Kingdoms will rise and kingdoms will fall. But a day is coming when our King will return and reign in justice and righteousness. 

He will put an end to the proud nations. He will exalt His own citizens.  But remember, He will exalt us not because we deserve it but because of His great love with which He called us out of this wicked world and made us a people for His possession.

Father, I think way too highly of my influence. I somehow see my ministry as the final wall against the tidal wave of unrighteousness. This is not true. I must forsake this thinking. 

You are Lord!  

The unrighteousness will be judged. You will return and reign from Mount Zion. You are sovereign not me! I will make one disciple at a time. By Your grace alone, I will honor You even if the world around me doesn’t. 

Please help me Father keep the big picture in mind. Help me to proclaim King Jesus and His coming Kingdom. Help me to be compassionate with the hurting, but also resolute in proclaiming their only hope: Christ

Not this world.

We are not saviors. You are the Savior!

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!


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