Justice will Prevail!
Obadiah 15 For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head.
Often when we look at the world we don’t see justice being correctly adjudicated. We see the guilty go free or the innocent persecuted. One of the biggest complaints of the social justice movement of our day is that things aren’t fair in our society. I would argue this isn’t an American problem this is a whole world problem. And this has been the problem since the beginning of time.
Think of the first murder. Cain killed his brother Abel. Did Can get what he deserved here on earth? Was Abel given restitution here on earth? Was Adam and Eve given their son Abel back? The answer to all of these questions is really: “NO, this side of eternity!” Yes, Cain was made a wanderer. But how is this equal to murdering your brother over jealousy? Adam and Eve were given Seth, but this didn’t bring Abel back from dead!
Friends, this story is repeated countless times in the Bible. Horrific acts are not dealt with full retribution and wrath. And often the mistreated people have their own sins that are not dealt with justly either. We live in a sinful world. Yes, God often brought about temporary retribution and temporary punishment. But even this judgment didn’t show the full wrath the guilty deserved.
In Obadiah we see the introduction to a phrase that points to an ultimate day of judgment...the day of the Lord! It is on this day that full justice will be revealed. It is important to note if the ultimate Day of the Lord came before Jesus first coming the whole world would have been destroyed. Everyone’s sin would have been placed on themselves and they would have all been judged for eternity!
But God sent hope before the day of the Lord! The Lamb of God was sent into the world to take the punishment due God’s children. When we read of God’s justice to come at the day of the Lord we need to look fully into the wrath we all would have received if not for Jesus Christ, our Rock and our Redeemer. When we cry for justice, remember, if we got what we deserved NONE would be with God for eternity.
All the nations will One day face a just and righteous Warrior! He will bring judgment down on all those who reject God and His Son. Thankfully, there is hope for those who repent and believe in Jesus! We won’t get what we deserve. Believers are righteous before God by faith in Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life!
We all need to be careful to not minimize God’s justice by making it about something we can accomplish. God is just: We all deserve judgment, BUT God sent His Son into the world to save a people for Himself. There will be a day when all who trust in Him will live in a place where righteousness will reign perfectly. Till then we must seek the Just and the Justifier of those who believe in Him.
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