Day 3

Interesting sentence...

Galatians 1:15–17 

But when God, 

                    who had set me apart even from my mother’s womb 
                            and called me through His grace, 

was pleased 16 to reveal His Son in me 

                    so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles,

I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood,
17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; 
but I went away to Arabia, 
         and returned once more to Damascus.

But when God ... was pleased to reveal His Son in me ... I didn’t consult flesh and blood immediately nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away to Arabia and returned once more to Damascus.

Is this about Paul’s conversion or is it about his special revelation from God not men concerning the Gospel that is also for the Gentiles?

I believe the later is the answer. Notice when you pull the dependent clauses out of the way you see the main sentence. This sentence falls right after Paul claimed divine revelation (1:11-12).  While Paul’s conversion is alluded to in the sentence (15), it is not the primary point of the entire sentence (15-17).

Paul got a special revelation of Who Jesus is and How the good news applies to the Gentiles in Arabia.  This established Paul’s original Gospel given to the Galatians during the first missionary journey was FROM GOD not man. Therefore, it must be embraced.  There are many who try to undermine Paul’s teaching as less than Jesus’ words or the rest of the Bible. This is untrue and blasphemous to God!  God gave Paul his words on the Gospel. We can read the Epistles with just as much confidence as reading Genesis! They are God’s Word.  And any Gospel that contradicts this Gospel presentation in Galatians should be anathema, condemned forever in eternal hell (1:8-9)!

Father, please help me to stand true to Your Word. Help me to proclaim it with boldness. And Lord if ever there is a day when my mind goes dull and I am unable to articulate the gospel as accurately as I should, please take me home. I don’t want to dishonor You or lead any sheep away from You!  Father, as I study today, help me grow in grace and knowledge of You. On a different note, please Father intervene on behalf of Your children who are in the line of fire today. Please keep believers from evil around the world. Help us to exalt You. Father, I know peace will only come to this world when Christ returns, so it is my prayer, “Come quickly Lord Jesus!”  Please save before Your day of judgment!


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